Familiar Shapes
Familiar Shapes
5. The Well-Intentioned Bot
We’ll look at how social bots interact with people in on-line social networks, and how sometimes people behave like, well, bots.
In this episode, Heather Freeman interviews:
Susan Etlinger, industry analyst for the Altimeter Group;
Alex Hogan Managing Partner in Etic Labs;
Srijan Kumar Assistant Professor, School of Computational Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology;
Samira Shaikh Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte;
Tim Weninger Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Notre Dame;
Samuel Woolley Assistant Professor of Journalism at the University of Austin at Texas.
Addition sounds from Freesound.org, ccMixter, Free Music Archive.
Visit https://www.familiarshapesthemovie.com/episodes for the full list of music credits.