Familiar Shapes
Familiar Shapes
6. My Buddy Luridan
We’ll see what early modern grimoires tell us about the magical beliefs and practices of that era. And then we’ll take a gander at summoning Luridan the Familiar. (You know. For kicks.)
In this episode, Heather Freeman interviews:
Dr. John Callow, Visiting Lecturer at the University of Suffolk
Dr. Vikki Carr, an independent scholar researching witchcraft beliefs of Early Modern England and Scotland
Dr. Alexander Cummins, an independent historian researching early modern European and early American religion, philosophy, medicine, and magic.
Prof. Owen Davies Reader in Social History at the University of Hertfordshire
Dr. Daniel Harms librarian and author of Of Angels, Demons, and Spirits: A Sourcebook of British Magic.
Prof. Ronald Hutton Head of the School of Humanities and Professor of History at the University of Bristol
Addition sounds from Freesound.org, ccMixter, Free Music Archive.
Visit https://www.familiarshapesthemovie.com/episodes for the full list of music credits.