Familiar Shapes
Familiar Shapes
7. Fool Me Once
Note to Listeners - DOH! I managed to upload an incorrect version and just realized that now. Classy. Your welcome. If you already listened to it, really sorry about those audio errors. And if you haven't listened yet -- excellent! And if you haven't gotten to this episode yet, jump ahead to end for some practical advice of social media hygiene.
What exactly constitutes a "bad bot"? And how they manipulate human behaviors in online social networks?
In this episode, Heather Freeman interviews:
Douglas Guilbeault Assistant Professor in the Management of Organizations, University of California - Berkeley;
Srijan Kumar Assistant Professor, School of Computational Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology;
David Rand, Associate Professor of Management Science and Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT;
Samira Shaikh Assistant Professor in
Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte;
Tim Weninger Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Notre Dame;
Samuel Woolley Assistant Professor of Journalism at the University of Austin at Texas.
Addition sounds from Freesound.org, ccMixter, Free Music Archive.
Visit https://www.familiarshapesthemovie.com/episodes for the full list of music credits.