Familiar Shapes
Technology and magic have a long, rich history together. Each Wednesday, filmmaker Heather Freeman guides us through this apparent paradox with technologists and historians from around the world. If you're into history, witchcraft, magic, social media, artificial intelligence, infotech, or ethics, this podcast brings them together with friendly familiars and malicious bots.
Familiar Shapes
13. Easy Breezy Bots
Heather D. Freeman
Season 1
Episode 13
It’s incredibly easy to build a bot. And incredibly hard to track down their makers.
In this episode, Heather Freeman interviews:
Dr. Douglas Guilbeault Assistant Professor in the Management of Organizations, University of California - Berkeley;
Dr. Srijan Kumar Assistant Professor, School of Computational Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology;
Dr. Samira Shaikh Assistant Professor in
Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte;
Dr. Samuel Woolley Assistant Professor of Journalism at the University of Austin at Texas.
Additional sounds from Freesound.org, ccMixter, Free Music Archive.
Visit https://www.familiarshapesthemovie.com/episodes for the full list of music credits.